ONLINE CLASS | Flow into Yin
NOW (that’s what I call well-being) Vol 6
ONLINE CLASS | On your head spicy flow
ONLINE CHILLED CLASS | Sit down & be humble
ONLINE CLASS | Hips & hamstrings spicy flow
ONLINE CHILLED CLASS | Stretches for plantar fasciitis
ONLINE CLASS | 1 hour spicy flow
ONLINE CLASS | 20 min spicy flow
NOW (that’s what I call well-being) Vol 5
YOGA NIDRA | No time to rest (15 min practice)
ONLINE CHILLED CLASS | Soothe your stress head
ONLINE CHILLED CLASS | Yin for your spine
ONLINE CLASS | Ashtanga inspired
You’ve got the love meditation
ONLINE CLASS | Twist it up
NOW (that’s what I call well-being) Vol 4
15 MINUTE FLOW | free online class
ONLINE CHILLED CLASS | Spacious hips Yin
ONLINE CHILLED CLASS | Self-care life hacks
ONLINE CLASS | Spinal flow